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  • Writer's pictureValorie

11 Months

Dear Shia,

Its so hard to believe that you will be a year old in a month. You have been the easiest baby in the known universe and it's hard to imagine you any other way. However, I know the toddler years are coming and I hope I'll be ready.

Please forgive mommy, I'm not as patient as I should be, especially with your brother. I even get frustrated with you and I hope you don't always see me as some crazy person. #momguilt

The fact is Shia, that I'm on a journey, I am not my fullest self, but I will be ...for you and our family.

You are finally cruising the furniture and eating real food just like big brother. You eat your vegetables and kiwi is your favorite fruit. You eat quesadilla and pizza and stir fry just like us.

You have zero interest in walking. You prefer to crawl and I try not to stress about that.

You love your big brother but I am afraid he has taught you some bad habits. You're starting to learn not to scream for no reason, don't pull hair, and don't hit. What can I say? I don't breed gentle guys. You and your brother are hard core.

I am so excited about your birthday party and celebrating you. You deserve to have all eyes on you and all the attention to you. I love you and the toddler you are becoming.

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