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  • Writer's pictureValorie

4 months

Updated: Jul 28, 2019

Dear Shia,

We might be struggling financially and emotionally but ,Shia, I am not at all wishing this summer away. I hope that you never suffer from the setbacks into which you were born. It will be my lifelong strive to give you the childhood you deserve. You will never be this little ever again. So I hold you a little bit longer, watch you, photograph you, kiss you, play with you, for every second of your waking moments when I'm not working.

The guilt is real though. Ronin demands so much of my attention and you are so content (most of the time) to just sit around and watch us. You might be my second baby but I hope you never FEEL "second". You are my sunshine boy. Your smiles,giggles,coos, squeals, can turn around any bad day.

You are getting so big, lengthwise mainly (for now...) You still nurse every 3 - 3.5 hours. You wear size 6-9 month clothes and size 3 diapers. You take roughly 3 naps a day, although right now I feel like our schedule is all messed up because of your nighttime sleeping habits. You might wake up at midnight or 4 am, which makes it frustrating to schedule your feedings.

You are very strong and have mastered tummy time and rolling to your side. I feel as though any day now you will be rolling around the play mat. We are practicing sitting and grasping toys which are all very exciting for you. You sleep in your crib for the most part, only when you are extra fussy do you sometimes nap in the swing. You'e outgrown your newborn sleep sack which is the silliest thing to mention but it's just so significant to me.

Ronin can't wait until you can hold onto toys, he gets very frustrated that you can't hold his cars. He wants to pick you up and cuddle you all the time and when I tell him to stop or ease up, he always responds "but I love him..." You boys are the best of friends.

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