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  • Writer's pictureValorie

6 months

Happy Half-Birthday, Shia!

I actually love celebrating half birthdays! A lot can change in an entire year so it's important to celebrate all that's happened in every season of life.


Dear Shia,

Ronin and I like to call you "baby Shy-Shy".

Currently your naps are all over the dang place but you sleep through the nights like a champ!

Things you love: watching Ronin, pulling his hair, and playing with his toys. You definitely love your brother and he has flourished under your constant attention of him. You're at an age now where you're more sturdy so the wrestling has already started. I like to think of it more as intense cuddling...

You wear 9 month clothes and size 3 diapers.

Rolling around is "old news" now as you like to "sea-lion scoot" every which way.

Sleeping on your tummy is your preferred mode of slumber, which was extremely nerve-racking at first, but I've learned to trust you...

You take your oatmeal warm or cold which is so so so convenient.

I gave you your first haircut and I've already started to see little blonde locks starting to grow.

You put EVERYTHING in your mouth but so far no buds have formed so we are definitely on full 1st Tooth Watch.

You love to play upright, your love your outside swing and your excer-saucer.

I take you to MOPs with me because I can't handle you going in the nursery just yet... but you are just as happy to crawl around the floor anyway, so I'm not rushing anything.

Things you hate: heat and sunshine. It's safe to say you are NOT a summer boy. Rest assured however, because fall has arrived and we are going to go on all sorts of pumpkin-spiced adventures together.

The past 6 months with you have been quite a journey. You are by far the sweetest and chill baby, a total opposite of Ronin. You have your moments and that's okay, I feel like our personalities are synced, we see the world the same. I know you love me when you hold my arm as I put you in your crib. I don't know if it's because we're both Aries, or the season of life I'm in, or because you're the 2nd baby; but our bond is something I will never take for granted. It's something I've never experienced before and I am so incredibly thankful for that.

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