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  • Writer's pictureValorie

7 months

Updated: Oct 29, 2019

Dear Shia,

You are wearing size 3 diapers and 9-12 month clothes.

You take roughly 3 naps a day and sleep 11-12 hours at night.


This month we have been trying pureed foods. I think sweet potatoes and apple are your favorite. You definitely do not like peas. Already trying to one up your brother, I see.

You get very excited to eat at the table while Ronin and I are eating, and we are so happy for you to join us.


No longer are you limited by your frail muscles and dexterity. You are an army crawler and can now get into all sorts of trouble. You've grabbed pins off the floor, chewed on cords, and found scissors I've hidden. It's a wonder you're still alive really, you definitely keep me on my toes and taking after your brother.

Speaking of your brother, he is taking FULL advantage of your super strength and he "loves on you" any change he can get. Sometimes you "love on him" back and act silly with him by pulling his hair or banging on his tummy. Ronin is starting to see now that you love him too. He can always make you laugh and it fills his little heart!


You have already cut two teeth in one week! It has been hell, but you are powering through it. (Baby Tylenol helps too occasionally) I wish I could help relieve the pain more but unfortunately, this is something you are going to have to suffer through yourself. One day it will all be worth it though, I can't wait to see your pearly white smile! In the meantime, I'll take all the pathetic cuddles I can get.


I think the biggest hurdle right now is trying to figure out your boundaries with Ronin. He plays rough and sometimes takes it too far. Please remember, Shia, he's just learning this "big brother" gig. Luckily, you are the most patient baby on the planet. You have to be with me as your momma. Sometimes I take for granted how chill you are as I'm teaching or cleaning or scolding Ronin. Thank you for being patient with me, Shia. Your independence is brought about much to early for some people, our family and lifestyle is different than most people's, but that's not totally a bad thing.

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