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  • Writer's pictureValorie

9 months

Dear Shia,

I always thought 9 months was the start of toddler behavior. You are no longer a helpless little baby. You can craw better than anyone, you can even climb and stand up onto something. Everyone who meets you is so in awe of you and how fast you are. I am in no rush for you to start walking , little one.

This month was by far the busiest of my entire life, things are changing for us , Shia and hopefully that means that I will be a little more accessible to you and your brother.

Speaking of Ronin, you and him have formed such a bond this month. You are finally at an age where Ronin doesn't have to treat you like glass. He is happy to play with you and wrestle you around. You always give me this look as if to say "Is he suppose to be doing that??" whenever Ronin does something ...questionable. You don't like to be a lone and is happy most of the time to just be in the same room as Ronin. This is what I always hoped for, it gives me the ability to get work done without you being all by yourself. Brothers look out for each other and always have their backs. I hope you and Ronin always have that bond.

This month we have been working on different textures of food as well as finger food. So far, you are not a fan , the only finger food you can manage are puffs and bananas. But you are not picky when it comes to mushy foods. You will eat anything as long as it's mushed up. I think puffs are your favorite treats. You have also just started drinking from a sippy cup!

You are so remarkable, Shia. I wish I could spend all day with you, just us together; but you and Ronin are my whole world. There is no me without you and your brother.

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